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This is also open for Link Exchange. If you own a site or blogs that is not relevant to our contents you can also linked with us.

Post your personal (friendster) information on the COMMENT FORM below such as name, gender, location, dislikes and people whom you want to meet including your friendster profile's url or email address.

In return, we want you to put this small TVSikat banner links (Don't worry, it will open in a new tab/window so you will not lost your friends!) in your profile. Just copy and paste the embed code in your ABOUT ME, WHO I WANT TO MEET or MEDIA BOX. after we see that it is already embedded into your profile, we will really appreciate it and your comments with your url or email address will be posted! Please be patience. The admin will try to see your transactions within 24 hours.

Highlight all the code then press Ctrl+C on your keyboard:

It looks like this:

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